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Meet The Team


Tracy Voss


Dedicated Volunteer

Tracy has a full time job during the day and she spends her free time after work and on weekends caring for the dogs at TPR ranch when the kennel techs leave for the day. 



Rhonda H.


Director of Operations

Rhonda started fostering for Tracy in 2011 and fostered her first dog with mange in 2012- from that moment on, she was obsessed. Thus the nickname "Mange Mama"! She's a big advocate for fostering and has coined the term "Foster On!" 

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Kassidy N.


Digital Director

Kassidy works full time in DC, spending her free time managing our social media pages & website. She volunteers her time caring for dogs at TPR when she visits Texas, providing grooming services to those that come to us severely matted. 

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Robbi C.


Adoptions Team


Robbi's full time career is in Human Resources and she has actively been involved in animal rescue since 2012. She enjoys fostering and volunteering her free time to help place dogs into their forever homes.

  • YouTube

Aly R.

Social Media Manager


Mary Wright 



Katy W.


Volunteer & Transporter

Katy has been rescuing, fostering, networking and transporting dogs since 2015 and finds furry friends to be her best friends.

  • Facebook
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Lisa M.


Adoption Team

Lisa has adopted 4 of her dogs from Tracy and has been volunteering her spare time to help rescue dogs for the last 6 years. 


Cresta F. 


Adoption Team


Allison W.


Adoption Team

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